Try Bonjoro Video App to increase audience engagement

Meet Bonjoro! The Video App to Help Increase Audience Engagement

What is it about video that people LOVE so much? Whether it’s YouTube sensations, memes, GIFs, or Instagram stories, we have become a culture of self-made video producers and consumers.

As small business owners, we’ve got to pay attention to that.

Regardless of whether you love the camera or not, are posting how-to’s, or daily stories, adding video to your digital marketing strategy is a quick way to increase audience engagement.

Don’t believe us? Check out some of these staggering facts:

We’ve explored all kinds of different tools to increase audience engagement with video, but recently, we’ve been loving Bonjoro, and we think you will, too.

Let’s get directing!

What is the Bonjoro App?

In a nutshell, Bonjoro allows you to integrate video with your existing CRM tools to send creative videos that target segments of your audience. You can add a message, customize calls-to-action (CTAs), and carry your brand voice through your video marketing.

And, because this is CRM friendly, you can track the results so you know how your audience responds.

You may be asking, “Why not just put a video on Instagram?” Good question.

Yes, post away on your social media. As we said above, those videos are gettin’ the hits and clicks, so keep ‘em coming. But, when you want to intentionally start conversations, and increase audience engagement, especially with certain segments of your audience, Bonjoro allows you to tailor your video. Think of it kind of like a targeted email campaign.

One of the best parts? Bonjoro videos are shareable. So, even if you send it to one segment of your audience, they have the ability to send and share with their audience, and so on. Pretty soon you’ll be the talk of the town.

Video Humanizes Your Small Business

While we’re all about the personal, face-to-face convos, the reality of our digital marketing world is that most communication is happening through a screen.

This presents an interesting challenge: how to humanize your small business and increase audience engagement without shaking their hand and seeing their face.

We think this is a huge reason why video is all the rage. People are craving some kind of connection. Pictures are nice. Words are nice. But sometimes they’re lacking that human quality. They can feel filtered or impersonal, whereas video is often more in-the-moment. People like real. They like vulnerable. They want to know YOU.

Also, videos are an efficient medium to tell your story. You may not think your story matters, but it does. People love hearing about who you are, how you got there, and where you’re going, in your own voice. You can swipe a few photos, or read a long caption, but most likely, people won’t take the time to do that. They will pause, though, to watch your lovely face for thirty seconds.

Basically, videos draw your audience into your world, rather than just throwing your brand into their world. Like Kelly here, sharing a bit about her new office-mate, Peggy the pegboard, using Bonjoro:

Bonjoro and Audience Engagement

You want to get people talking (cue Bonnie Raitt singing, “Let’s give ‘em something to talk about, a little mystery to figure out…”). Short-form videos (15 seconds to 2-minutes), like Bonjoro, are digital conversation starters.

But Bonjoro is unique in that it allows you to customize videos with added features that increase the likelihood of a response to keep the conversation going.

Some examples for small businesses might be:

  • Follow-up with clients or people from networking events
  • Connecting with prospective clients to help build trust and put a face and voice to a name
  • Show your gratitude to new clients
  • Celebrate! Personally tell your clients how great they are and how excited you are for their growth!

There’s 100 different ways you can approach it, but all are targeted at one thing: increase audience engagement.

One of our favorite things about Bonjoro is that it can be integrated with your email, social media, CRM tools, e-commerce, and more. You’re not limited to one platform, which makes it easy to share your video in a timely manner. Ya’ll know you could use a little more time, right?

Now that we’ve totally convinced you that video is important to increase audience engagement, we want to see your’s. We are all about conversations, aren’t we? Tell us who you are, what your business is, and why you love video, or why you’re skeptical of it. There’s no right or wrong answer here—we just want to know what you think.

Want to try out the Bonjoro mobile app?! Click here to download it now and start connecting with your audience!

Happy Filming!


We know video can feel…vulnerable. But we’re here to help. If you’re ready to dive into the world of video digital marketing, give Wayward Kind a holler. We think we’re reel swell at getting those digital conversations started.