Having a trustworthy SEO Toolbox is vital for ranking

Tiny Desk Tour: Inside Our SEO Toolbox

We’ve got a lot of specialists on our Wayward Kind team: from designers to copywriters and digital marketers, we’ve got years of experience and insight into the latest marketing trends.

One of the biggest (and arguably hardest to completely grasp) buzzwords in 2019 has been “SEO,” or search engine optimization. Luckily, we’ve got a strong SEO Specialist on our team. Remember learning about Glaucia when she first joined our team? Well today she’s going to tell us more—specifically about which SEO tools are worth your time!

Our Goal = White Hat SEO

When it comes to SEO, there are two kinds: black hat and white hat. Black hat SEO is the kind you don’t want to practice—think keyword stuffing, hiding text, and paying a bunch of websites for loooaaads of backlinks. Not only is black hat SEO scammy, but it’s penalized by Google. White hat SEO is the type that we use here at Wayward Kind: it’s focused on humans rather than search engines, but is still compliant with all search engine rules and policies.

The main goal of SEO, and a major part of Glaucia’s role, is to make sure our clients’ websites are optimized for search engines. She analyzes, reviews, implements changes, and tests different techniques—things are always moving around when it comes to how SEO is applied to different industries, so that’s why we’re always making changes. 

Her process starts with a site audit of each client’s existing website that analyzes any error that would limit search engine visibility. Our goal is to help increase website visibility and get websites to rank on Google’s first page of organic search results

She starts by performing a Baseline SEO Report that gives clients an overall picture of their traffic, organic research, backlinking, SEO ranking, and suggested keywords. Glaucia’s favorite tools to help her run audits are a combination of SEMrush, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console.

Let’s talk SEO tools.

Glaucia’s SEO Toolbox

When you’re working with white hat SEO, it’s important to have actionable insights. 

  • Google: Most of the tools offered by Google are free—and her favorites, since they come straight from the search engine itself. She likes using Google Analytics to get insight into website metrics, Google Trends for tracking what people are searching, Google PageSpeed Insights for error alerts, and Google Search Console for a closer look at how people land on specific sites.
  • Ubersuggest: Glaucia has been really enjoying Ubersuggest for keyword researching lately. She can also get a closer look at the working strategies of any website.

Breaking News on Algorithm Updates

Every one of our team members has a different set of sources they either subscribe to, follow, or read daily to stay up-to-date on the latest in their specific role. Glaucia has a couple of favorite sources for getting the latest on SEO.

Because the search engine algorithm changes so much, she likes to focus on having multiple sources of information. For daily updates, the latest news, tips and tricks, and reviews on the newest SEO tools, she loves reading Search Engine Journal and The MOZ Blog. She also enjoys their email newsletters!


Can we give Glaucia a round of applause for sharing her SEO toolbox with us? It’s hard to stay on top of the daily algorithm changes but she loves how it keeps her on her feet! Hopefully you were able to find a new tool that helps you improve the traffic to your website. 

If you’re looking for quicker results (or for our team’s expertise), we’re here to help you succeed!


We can help you master your digital marketing strategy with CRO tips. Our team of strategists are experts at understanding you and your audience. Whether it’s setting up Google Analytics, or creating great landing pages, Wayward Kind is all about action. Ready to convert to a mindful marketing strategy? Contact us today!