branded playlists

The Sound of Music: Connect with Your Audience with Branded Playlists

Who doesn’t love music? We all have some favorite artists and genres, and probably a few guilty pleasures. But have you ever thought about your business as a source for some great musical content? 

Maybe not, but we think it’s time to tap into your own rhythmic spirit and consider making a branded playlist.

What is that? Basically, they’re just curated playlists that are unique to your business. They could be curated by event, holiday, or even by your team members (as we’ve started doing here at Wayward Kind!). You could even create playlists that are targeted to certain segments of your audience. The options are limitless, but the point is, tapping into your musical side is just one more way to build relationships with your clients and customers, and show them a bit more of who your business is.

What Do I Do With Branded Playlists?

Your playlists are content. Learning where and when to use them is all about digital strategy. Thankfully, once you have a playlist or two under your belt, you can repurpose them in a number of fun, engaging ways.

Opt-In Offer

Something we’ve been talking about a lot is how to give our clients valuable content that really helps them or gives them something interesting to chew on, so to speak. One way to do that is by creating opt-in offers.

Your opt-ins are simple offers that give your audience something of value. When they sign up, their email gets added to your list so that you can continue to send them valuable content. With permission, of course!

Creating branded playlists are a great way to build quick and fun opt-in offers that can be featured as content across digital platforms. 

Newsletter Feature

You’ve probably already got a solid email list going (if not, then you’ve got to read this post!), so why not include your branded playlists in your newsletters? Remember, emails are all about educating, informing, and helping your readers. Sending some good tunes straight to their inbox shows that you care about more than just selling—you’re sharing something personal and creating a connection with readers. And who knows what fun feedback and conversations may start as a result of your playlists!

Social Media

If you’re looking to elevate your social media strategy, offering something beyond just a typical daily post could really intrigue your audience. Perhaps once a month you have a day where you give them a branded playlist, curated just for your social media segment. They’ll start to look forward to your posts and eagerly await every month when you have fresh tunes for them.

The Science Behind Music and Memory

We can talk all day about digital marketing strategy, but when it comes to music, strategy and science marry together to create a unique, memorable experience that makes your brand stand out. 

Think about it: your favorite song pops on the radio and suddenly you’re whisked away to a special moment from years ago. The scent in the air, the person you were with, and the place you were sitting all come flooding back. That’s because music and rhythm induce memory. Music is essentially an oral tradition that was invented to aid in memorizing stories before writing was even a thing. 

Now, we write more than ever, but tend to think less about music as it pertains to memory. The thing is, music is still a highly effective tool for helping people remember your brand. Just think about one of those annoyingly memorable jingles from a commercial. Hopefully, your branded playlists doesn’t annoy anyone. But the songs you choose can create positive associations with your brand, and we’re all about that!


We all want to be memorable, whether it’s for that special someone, or a potential client. Wayward Kind loves helping small businesses increase their digital presence with expert strategy and content development that can’t help but induce some positive memories. Want help with your branded playlists and strategy? Contact us today to get started!