A tour of our Digital Marketing Basics

Tiny Desk Tour: Digital Marketing Basics

Wayward Kind has an amazing team. From copywriters to strategists, we’re passionate about helping our clients connect with their audience. To do that, we look to a variety of digital marketing tools to enhance our skills.

Lucky for you, we’re giving you an insider look into the digital marketing basics that help us get things done around Wayward Kind. Since each team member has a different role, their tools can vary. So, we’re starting with our Digital Marketing Strategist, Jaz Adams. 

Ready to see what’s in her digital marketing toolbox? 

Digital Marketing Basics: The Techie Stuff

When you’re a digital marketing strategist, it’s important to stay up on the latest trends. Whether it’s social media algorithms, trending hashtags, or apps to make scheduling posts easier, Jaz has her finger on the pulse of all things digital.

Jaz’s role gives her the opportunity to dive into each clients digital landscape by assessing what’s working, and what’s not. She then provides a comprehensive plan to enhance their digital presence. 

To aid in her assessments, she often consults Google Analytics to see metrics about how users are moving around a client’s website. With that information, she can develop a more detailed strategy for website content. 

Social Media

We like to think of Jaz as Wayward Kind’s social media expert. She is responsible for helping each client develop a solid strategy for what type of content to post, when to post, and how to use special features. 

Her digital marketing basics for social media are:

  • Hootsuite: Used by a number of clients, Jaz uses Hootsuite to plan and schedule posts and track metrics for social media engagement. She likes Hootsuite for planning LinkedIn posts, especially.
  • Later: Recently, Jaz has been loving Later, especially for planning and scheduling Instagram posts for clients. She can also access metrics for audience engagement, like when followers are online so she’s posting at the most opportune times.

Favorite Apps

We all have our own systems for staying organized around the office. Some of us love a good whiteboard. Some of us like good ‘ol fashioned pen and paper. Also, some love day planners. 

Jaz loves her iPad because it’s basically all of those things in one device. Oh, and she doesn’t go anywhere without her Apple Pencil. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Jaz in a meeting or on a call without her iPad and Pencil. 

digital marketing basics

Her favorite app is Notability. As a visual person, this app gives her the freedom to conceptualize ideas directly on her iPad in an instant without ever having to waste paper.

She can also take notes, mark-up PDFs, create documents, and easily organize each client’s information for later use. When it comes to digital marketing basics, this is an essential for Jaz.

The other app she swears by is Feedly. Jaz loves this app because it compiles resources from around the internet based on her interests. She adds in the topics that matter to her (like digital marketing strategy) and it populates her feed with what’s trending. 

Digital Marketing Around the Web

It’s safe to say that each Wayward Kind team member has a few go-to resources for information related to our specific roles. 

Being the digital wiz that Jaz is, she’s got a number of websites she visits daily, but here are a couple of her favorites..

  • Reddit: More specifically, Jaz follows the Digital Marketing community to learn about trends, troubleshoot common problems, learn about the ever-changing algorithms, and discuss digital marketing basics with like-minded users. 
  • YouTube: Who hasn’t searched YouTube for a how-to, or to watch cat videos? Ok, so we’re not watching cat videos during work hours, but YouTube is a great source to see what influencers are doing with video, troubleshooting, and what’s trending.


There you have it—our first installment of Digital Marketing Basics with Wayward Kind. Hopefully you got a nice glimpse at how we do what we do, and why we love it so much. Above all, we want to connect with and help our clients succeed. Thanks Jaz, for giving us a peek inside your digital marketing toolbox!

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We believe that every business has value. But knowing how and where to share your value can be overwhelming. That’s why we start with the basics: getting to know you and your business so that we can build digital marketing strategies and value propositions that really work. Ready to start? Contact Wayward Kind today and we’ll get to strategizing!