Repurposing content is important for your content development plan.

Getting More Out of Your Content Development Plan


So you’ve put the time and investment into creating content, now what? Post it on your blog and that’s it?

Not quite.

Take that amazing content and repurpose it for different platforms and audiences. Your content development plan doesn’t have to stop at one audience and one platform.

The more platforms you use, the more people you reach, the more results you achieve.

What do you have to lose?

Why Does My Content Development Plan Need Repurposed Content?

Have you ever sat down to create an editorial calendar for the rest of the year with unique ideas every day of the week? You will most likely run out of ideas within a few months.

Hence the benefit of repurposing content.

When you repurpose content in your content development plan, you can use the same idea dozens of times—in a ton of different ways.

Not only is this going to save you time, but repurposing content can help drive traffic to one source. If you know anything about SEO, this is a good thing. Continuously driving traffic to one spot can help you rank high for a given keyword on Google.

If you have several different audiences that you market to but each have a service in common, you can easily switch up some of the wording in your content to cater it to a different audience. That keeps you from writing something from scratch, but still personalizes the content for each audience.

The last reason you should repurpose your content is that there are different audiences on every platform. Not everyone checks Facebook…and not everyone opens emails.

The more platforms you use, the more likely someone will read your content.

Where Should I Repurpose Content?

You can repurpose your content almost anywhere. Whether you prefer digital or print, you can use it across the board. The possibilities are pretty endless, but a few options include:


  •        Blogging
  •        Guest blogging
  •        Email marketing
  •        Video marketing
  •        Social media
  •        E-books
  •        Infographics
  •        Brochures
  •        Newspapers/magazines

How Do I Repurpose Content in My Content Development Plan?

Whether your initial content is a blog, video, email, or something else, you can use that content across the board.

For example, let’s start with a blog about baking the best chocolate chip cookies. You can first repurpose this blog by posting a link to it on different social media platforms. Schedule these for different days and different times depending on your audience.

Next, you can take that blog about baking the best chocolate chip cookies and make a video about it. Whether you want to take a live video of you baking these cookies or a slideshow that demonstrates the process, this video can be posted on YouTube, on the original blog, and on social media platforms. Voilà, that’s content use No.3!

You can also make an infographic with content from this blog and/or video.

From there, you might find that this recipe is a huge hit and you want to have it published in a newspaper, magazine, or brochure. You can pull bits and pieces of the original content into the new piece, cutting the time for creation way down.

Don’t forget to email the recipe out to your network! You can use part of the blog to catch your reader’s attention, where they will then click on the link to read the rest of the blog and to watch the video.

Once you’ve gathered up enough blogs about the same topic, compile them into one document and repurpose them as an e-book, which you can then repurpose across all the platforms.

This content development strategy will allow your content to circulate through the platforms so that it stretches as far as possible.

Our last tip: Don’t publish your content all at once, spread it out! Not only does it last longer this way, but it increases the chances that your audience will see it in one place and increase exposure to your brand.


If creating your own content development plan seems a bit overwhelming, no sweat! Our team at Wayward Kind is happy to work with you to create the right content strategy. Get in touch today to discover how we can take your content to the extra mile.