what’s new in digital marketing.

Keep Your Eye on the Ball: What’s New in Digital Marketing?

What are you doing to stay relevant with your clients when it comes to your digital marketing strategy? You need to keep your eye on the ball to make sure your digital marketing strategy is a success.

With so many different trends in digital marketing, you should know that not all are worth following. But there are a few we think are likely to stick around.

The needs of your customers and clients evolve over time, which is why digital marketing strategies have to evolve, too. By staying on top of the latest trends and your clients needs, you can ensure that your future and current customers will stay happy.

See which digital marketing trends you should know about:

What’s New in Digital Marketing: Mobile Marketing

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few years, you most likely know how important it is for your business to be mobile-friendly. Why? According to Statista, in 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic around the world was from mobile phones—and it’s only going up from there.

With most people are glued to their phones for an average of five hours per day, it only makes sense to integrate mobile marketing into your digital marketing strategy.

You should start with a mobile-friendly website. You want a responsive website that allows users to easily navigate through your website regardless of what device they’re viewing it on.

When a website is not mobile-friendly, this can cause users to become easily frustrated and leave your site sooner than you want them to.

When it comes to mobile marketing, your email marketing should also be designed to look great when opened on phones as well on computers. This is because consumers are more likely to open an email on their mobile device than their desktop.

When you’re brainstorming your next marketing campaign, think about how you can integrate your mobile phone into the mix.

What’s New in Digital Marketing: Quality Content

OK, so quality content itself isn’t new. But putting a huge emphasis on creating and curating quality content for readers is.

There are two key factors at play here—first, it’s important to create and publish content on a regular schedule that your audience can depend on. And second, it’s important to make that content useful, helpful, and relevant for your clients and potential clients.

Sure, having tons of blogs and Facebook posts looks great, but if nobody is reading them or connecting with them, do they really matter?

Provide your customers with authentic and helpful content they’ll want to read, engage with, and share. You should stick with a consistent schedule and keep an overall goal in mind.

What’s New in Digital Marketing: A Focus on Reviews

There are a lot of different factors that go into organic traffic to your website, but one of the most overlooked is reviews. Google would rather rank a business with hundreds of five-star reviews over a business with one five-star review or a business with one star. This means your Google, Facebook, Yelp, and other review profiles are considered.

Before customers purchase an item or visit a business, about 50 percent of adults under age 50 will check reviews online first.

This is why you should make sure to include a plan of action for acquiring more reviews in your digital marketing strategy.

Reach out to your customers personally to ask them to leave you a review, leave reminders in email marketing, or even create social media posts asking for reviews. It’s better to ask for reviews than to expect them to happen without a little nudge.

If your digital marketing strategy isn’t meeting customers where they are, it’s time to rethink it. Wayward Kind is here to help you stay ahead of your competition and give you a marketing strategy that works! Connect with us today to find out how we can help.