Business Facebook Page

How To Set Up A Business Facebook Page for Success

We all know that Facebook has over 2.41 billion monthly active users and that it’s a great social network for businesses. Despite how easy Facebook has made it for users to browse, discover, and interact with businesses, business owners find themselves putting a lot of their Facebook marketing budget into ads with low returns.

So, how do you make Facebook ads work for you? What’s the best way to leverage a Facebook Business page to grow a business?

How To Set Up A Business Facebook Page for Success

Let’s explore how small business owners can use Facebook to leverage their network, build relationships with their audience, and foster a sense of community that opens up sales opportunities.

The Importance of Understanding Your Target Audience

Your business exists for a reason: to offer solutions to specific groups of people. Your target audience consists of individuals your business wants to serve, that share similar needs and are the most likely to sign up for your service. Identifying a target audience, or target audience segments, is an important first step, as a business can only develop an effective Facebook marketing strategy when they understand their target audience.

So, the more that you know about your target audience, the better you can appeal and engage with them. Not to mention, content development will come easier.

Here are some ways to develop content that will transform your business’s Facebook profile page into a lead generation and nurturing resource:

Stop Promoting. Start Adding Value.

Beyond making sure that your business details, like your contact information and story, are filled out, businesses often miss a major opportunity: providing value to their audience, instead of asking people if you can work for them.

Just like in face-to-face networking at workshops and conferences, social network-ing should focus on sharing information and advice, and solving issues. What kind of questions is your audience asking? What kind of questions do you think they may have?

Here are some more questions to ask yourself as you develop your content: What kind of value do your posts provide your audience? Are they educational? Motivational? Pure entertainment?

Decide on the value that you want to offer your target audience, then stick to it. Because trying to sell people something in every post, comment, or message is a big turn off.

Quality Over Quantity

Social media is not a new frontier but the way that businesses are leveraging their content on it is.

We can shout however much we want into the news feed abyss of status updates, baby announcements, and happy birthday posts—not to mention all the Facebook ads users are served daily—but if your content isn’t good enough to engage your audience, then it’s a waste of time, effort, and money.

For every 153 ads the average consumer sees, only 12 ads actually engage them. And they see 5,000+ ads a day.

That’s where quality over quantity comes in. Posts that are targeted toward target audiences just perform better. Especially when they convey an important message.

What Goes Around, Comes Around: Engagement

Small business owners that want to leverage their Facebook Business Page to grow their business need to be interacting—that means commenting, sharing, and liking. Often.

When businesses engage within their niche, they develop relationships with their audience and other businesses. Plus, it helps put your business at the center of the conversation online and increases visibility.

A great way to think about engaging in your niche is the GaryVee $1.80 Strategy (originally developed for Instagram but applicable on Facebook, too): Leave your 2 cents on the top trending posts in your industry until your 2 cents adds up to $1.80. Then repeat this every day.

Don’t Forget Your Call to Action (CTA) Button

We’ve stressed the importance of creating quality content that’s focused on adding value to your target audience, as well as engaging with others in your industry, but your Facebook Business page should still be set up properly.

Whether your Facebook business page visitor comes to your page with intent, or because they saw one of your comments on another post, you can help guide them in the right direction by making sure that you have a call to action button set up on your page.

With the click of a button, you can encourage visitors to:
  • Visit your website
  • Book a consultation
  • Contact you
  • Shop your store
  • Sign up for your email newsletter

You’ve put in a lot of work to get visitors to your business’s Facebook profile! This CTA button is your opportunity to encourage visitors to move on to your website.

Want to learn other ways to optimize your business’s presence on social media to drive leads? Book a consultation with our digital marketing strategist today.


We can help you master your digital marketing strategy with CRO tips. Our team of strategists are experts at understanding you and your audience. Whether it’s setting up Google Analytics, or creating great landing pages, Wayward Kind is all about action. Ready to convert to a mindful marketing strategy? Contact us today!