
Lead-Generating Opt-In Offers that Are Worth the Squeeze

Your business is amazing. It’s worth the squeeze. But getting your audience to notice that can be an interesting and creative challenge. But one that can be fun!

Creating lead-generating opt-in offers—valuable, timely, easy-to-follow morsels of wisdom—is a way of gaining your audience’s attention while highlighting the value of your services. It’s a way to show people that you truly care about the things they care about and understand their needs.

Ready to make some juice?

Lead-Generating Opt-In Offers Solve One Problem

Yes, that’s right—just one problem. Why do we mention this? Because it’s SO easy to get long-winded and try to pack a million details into one offer, especially if you have similar services or products to offer.

We’ve got a few questions to ask yourself before launching your opt-in to maximize is juiciness:

What does your target audience need?

Consider not just what they want, but also the things they really need when they land on your web page. Often, people aren’t entirely sure what they need, but they’re definitely searching. Your job is to tap into what it is they’re looking for so that you can make your opt-in offer super juicy. 

Think of it this way: if you’re selling fitness services, you know that your audience needs help getting motivated to sign up for them. But they may not want to sign up for your lead-generating opt-in offers just because they want to get fit. So, what can your opt-in offer provide that’s too good not to click “subscribe?” What can you provide that’s different and valuable? What’s their biggest problem to be solved? 

Are You Being Long-Winded?

Remember, you’re creating a quickie guide to a super specific topic, not a lengthy white paper. Whether you’re writing a checklist, making a video, or developing a quiz, your opt-in offer should be long enough to provide value, but short enough to keep their attention. Consider what information is most important and applicable to your audience and the topic you’re discussing and build from there. 

Are You Being Consistent?

Consistency is always a winner, whether it’s with your visuals or your language. You develop credibility by showing that you know who you are. Consistency also lessens confusion about what you do by staying true to the things you do better than anyone else.

How does this apply to a lead-generating opt-in offer? When you know what you stand for, your values, your mission, writing an opt-in offer becomes much simpler. Your opt-in offer stands on the foundation of your brand’s mission and values.

Examples of Lead-Generating Opt-In Offers

One of the best things to help you build any opt-in offer is to have generous amounts of content. A great source for opt-ins are blog posts. You’ve spent time to craft those posts and they’re full of great information—why not compile that into something useful for your audience?


Simple, easy-to-follow, concise—guides help your audience solve a very specific problem. Throw in an infographic to enhance the visuals and you’ve got a great source of useful content that show the value of what your business does, without having to explicitly say, “We do _____.”


Take your guide, and expand it into an ebook. Just like any opt-in, pick a topic to develop and create short chapters that clearly address specific issues. 

This is a great opportunity to create a strong visual in the form of an ebook cover. What is consistent with your brand, but also speaks to the topic? With a simple, eye-popping ebook “cover,” you can create images for social media, blogs, and a landing page.


Video is all the rage. Videos generate more shares, more engagement, and more purchases than all other forms of content. So, it’s natural to create an opt-in offers from video content.

Remember: videos should be short—a couple minutes max. Make an outline before you start, collect your props (if you have them), and set yourself up to maximize sound and image quality. Book—you’re the star of your opt-in!


You are an expert in your field—show that! Whether you know it or not, you’ve got the chops to speak with confidence about what you do.

If you’ve done a paid webinar before, you can parlay that content into a future opt-in offer. Remember, concise is key. Opt-ins don’t give away EVERY service and product you offer—they solve a problem and meet a need. If you’ve already hosted a webinar, take different elements from it, and create a few opt-ins. 

Finally, when developing lead-generating opt-in offers, don’t be afraid to share your best advice. You want to show your audience that you know what you’re talking about, not tease them by withholding key information in hopes they’ll make a purchase. Trust and credibility come first, then the commitment. Just keep focusing on deepening your digital conversations and creating solid relationships with your opt-in offers, and committed clients and customers will follow.


Your business has goodness to share and is definitely worth a squeeze—and we want to help you get a few more squeezes from your digital marketing strategy. Whether it’s creating lead-generating opt-in offers, or building a comprehensive content strategy, Wayward Kind is a juice master and we know how to squeeze the most out of your digital assets. Get in touch today!