lead nurturing strategy

Marketing Mystery Solved: Content as a Lead Nurturing Strategy

Connecting with new prospective clients can be one of the biggest challenges for small business owners and salespeople. In order to really figure out your best lead nurturing strategy, it might be helpful to go back to an old childhood friend: Inspector Gadget.

Remember that show, where the Inspector had endless tools hidden in his jacket, shoes, and hat? Well, think of yourself as the Inspector ready to whip out just the right tool to generate more leads.

In the world of digital marketing, there are endless tools, but for today, we’re focusing on one the best ways to target your audience and generate leads through different content marketing channels. So, let’s grab our magnifying glass and investigate how to diversify your content and take it from average to awesome.

Video Content as a Lead Nurturing Strategy

Think of video as one of your go-to resources to help your potential clients see who you are and get to know your process.  

Your potential clients may already know what you do, but giving them video allows them to engage with your business—and according to HubSpot, they really want to engage. In fact, they say that “50% of consumers want to see video from brands…more than any other type of content.”

Video is one of the best tools to add to your box of lead nurturing strategies because it’s measureable, personable, and increases conversion rates. And, it’s a great way to share who you are with everyone from potential clients, to long-time partners with your small business.

Nurture Leads with Segmented Emails

Now, I’m pretty sure that Inspector Gadget didn’t have what we would consider modern day email, but if he did, it would probably look something like segmented emails: a highly organized, personalized way of categorizing your clients so that you can effectively engage and convert casual users to committed customers.

One of the biggest advantages of using segmented email as a lead nurturing strategy is that it allows you to connect with your audience in a personal way.

These lists are based on your subscribers’ demographics, interests, professions, purchase history, etc., so that you can target your message to exactly the right person. That’s some serious detective work and it’s all done with the help of email metrics, which lets you see click-through rates, who opened and when, and what content draws the most attention.

As a bonus, email marketing gives you the advantage of keeping your presence in your users’ inbox. Why? Because 61 percent of consumers prefer to be contacted by email, meaning that they’re more likely to stay on your list when they feel like you’re speaking directly to them and their needs. And when it comes to a successful lead nurturing strategy, you want to keep your name in the game for the long-term.

Nurture Leads with CRM

For our final lead nurturing strategy tool, we’re tapping the ultimate gadget for understanding your customers: CRM, aka customer relationship management.

You’ve got your social media, your ads, your segmented emails, videos, and website—but it can be overwhelming to figure out which of those is nurturing the most leads.

CRM helps you understand how individual users engage with your different campaigns. And, like segmented emails, once you understand your customer’s behavior, you can design each digital marketing channel so that it effectively reaches who you want, when you want.

With CRM, you get to build a relationship with consumers that leads to more engagement, which is key for nurturing leads over time. Through this relationship building process, consumers are more likely to develop a sense of trust with your brand, making it one of best lead nurturing strategies for any small business.

Tools have certainly changed since the Inspector Gadget days, offering small businesses endless ways to generate leads. So, if you’re looking to create a successful lead nurturing strategy, and need help navigating how to use all those tools effectively, contact Wayward Kind today.

After all, we’re basically the Inspector Gadget of digital marketing strategy and we can solve any marketing mystery you’ve got!